0: syntactic form - definite/indefinite/pronoun etc - for first mention 2: value for syntactic number - singular/plural/don't-know - for first mention 5: root of the subtree in dependency parse: subject, preposition, etc. for first mention 7: speaker of first mention: either follower or giver 8: dialog act for first mention: e.g. saying "OK" = align 9: syntactic form for second mention 11: value for syntactic number for second mention 14: root of the subtree in dependency parse for second mention 16: speaker for second mention 17: dialog act for second mention 18: bigram of features "0" and "9" 20: bigram of features "2" and "11" 23: bigram of features "5" and "14" 25: bigram of features "7" and "16" 26: bigram of features "8" and "17" 27 - 55: binary features, comparing the two mentions, such as string equal, equal in form, equal in part of speech tag, etc, are both pronouns etc 56: part of speech tag feature for first mention's head 57: part of speech tag feature for second mention's head 58: bigram of features "56" and "57" 59: how far apart the mentions are in a sentence 60: how far apart the mentions are in turns taken to speak 61: are the mentions in the same turn? 64: are the mentions 1 apart in a sentence? 65: are the mentions 1 apart in turns?